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Three evils, embodied in love and shadow
7:12 p.m. 2004-02-24

Technicolor heart ache creationist dreams in the eye of nature. Developmentalist repetition through architecture and subjective obejectivity. Your moods are described on a colored chart and I am colorblind. Do you think the right path has been chosen or does this lead off the edge of some high cliff? What is the meaning of these halfspoken monologues whispered to me when you think i'm not paying attention. My throat hurts, i'm abusive... i hate myself and i want to die... did they ever release that CD anyway? It doesn't really even matter, the emotions you were dismissing were being reinforced by your nonchalance.

liar liar liar...

who would suffer if i disappeared or would life be so much less complicated? I'm not sure if i want to be a part of any of this any longer (i'm hurting too many people) i don't think any of you quite understand the toll this is taking on me, define your selflessness how you will, i've determined it to be suicidal. Every day i'm a little bit less real, these smiles aren't faked quite as hard and soon what will i be but a shell of the boi i used to be? Will you still love me when i don't exist any longer?

You're all just blind to what you've been missing. i'm just bleeding rainbows here on this glass stage static and incomplete these lyrics need an ending. Cut short by circumstances riddled with lead and torn apart by double edged words half of you don't know i ever cared. Initial infatuation is customizable in its lovely tirade against free choice. Would you color the sky with your true colors, baring it all for the world to see? Already you've cut me down to size here stick me in your pocket and fly away.

Heartfelt words, this punishment is devious in its entirety, this pain still lingers... as it should. You are the last chance for redemption, covered in your faded jaded plastic coated face I'd deny you three times before you killed me. Oh savior my savior why have you witheld this and replaced hope with temptation on the edge of a knife. My money's on half of you not even reading entries like this, too complex transcendant and multifaceted for anyone to give a shit. I long for simplicity and four letter words and three sentence paragraphs. Strip away the intellectualism and render me incapable of abstract thought. This isn't original, i stole it from someone's mind when they weren't looking. Engendered in a generation my thoughts are clouded by sex appeal and rejection of such petty obsessions. Peel away my face and imagine me without pretense, what is there left by these words and the emptiness that's trying to eat the nothing inside. Conflicts of destruction and you could add -ism to anything restructionism clouded by existentialism and there's no definite reason for existing tonight. Where are you.....

Who am i to question the motives of the one who i can't even see? What gives me the right to understand and you the right to give a shit? ahh blow me away...

pull the trigger and the nightmare stops...

back & forth

words @ jake, layout @ kelly