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7:38 p.m. 2003-06-22

Under obligation to post this, it's the best fucking thing i've ever seen.

Vendetta- Sebastian Kiguel

So take this blood from my slit open veins

And paint me a masterpiece that tells the story of my life.

Forget not the grotesque events and the twisted chaos endlessly pouring into my life.

Omit not the vast distortion of truth and their desire to believe that which is easiest.

Limit it not to the few glorious and dignifying moments entangled in my existence.

Signify not only the complexities of life, but make symbols of the smallest and simplest of occurrences.

Take these screams of pain from my wayworn corpse

And use them to create an inferno of guilt to those who set me ablaze.

Forget not their ceaseless efforts to impale me with grief.

Omit not the pitiful state of gloom they have put me in.

Limit them not to pardon, for hate flows eternal and mutual throughout, forgiveness does not.

Signify not in it all my life of screams, but only those yells caused by those hearing them.

Take their guilt and clean their conscience, I shall not;

Leave my memoirs in blood, I shall;

This is my vendetta.

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words @ jake, layout @ kelly